Patient Family & Community Engagement | Patient and Care Partners

Invite and Activate Partnership

Jason A. Wolf, PhD, CPXP, President & CEO, The Beryl Institute

Nikki Montgomery, MA, MEd | President, Patient and Family Partnership Council, University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s | Global Patient and Family Advisory Board, The Beryl Institute
MaryAnne Sterling, CEA | Advocate and Family Caregiver | EVP, Caregiver Experience, Livpact | Global Patient and Family Advisory Board, The Beryl Institute
Michelle Van De Graaff RN, BSN | Practice Chair, Acute Cardiovascular Unit, Intermountain Healthcare

In this session of the New Existence Webinar Series we will be explore the Second aim in the Care Teams segment of The New Existence: Invite and Activate Partnership. The care team segment calls on us to “redefine and advance the integrated nature of and critical role patients and their circle of support play on care teams.” The main actions under “invite and activate partnership” that will be explored include: Ensure patients and families co-develop the care plan and are an active part of care team interactions and decision-making discussions. Identify and act on what matters most to patients, families and the patient’s circle of support. Identify and eliminate barriers to effective care team partnership. Encourage patients and families to serve in roles beyond their own care journey. .