Culture & Leadership | Patient Family & Community Engagement

Crushing Complexity: The Evolving Business of Healthcare

No one can deny the fact that healthcare in the U.S. is complex. But how did we get here? How do patients and caregivers experience that complexity? And are we, in fact, crushing it, or is it crushing us? Based on the study of millions of conversations from all segments of healthcare, this presentation takes a 30,000-foot view of our healthcare system and its impact on consumers and business outcomes.

Come along on a journey through time, and into the experiences of patients and caregivers, to confront the complexity of the U.S. healthcare system that will inspire us all to take a hard look at what we’ve created and why it must change. 

Learning Objectives:
• Listen to new perspectives and industry challenges about the state of the business of healthcare.
• Identify how leveraging conversations can solve healthcare-specific problems.
• Understand and activate opportunities inside teams/organizations to address challenges and complexity in our healthcare system.

Leslie Pagel, Chief Evangelist Officer, Authenticx
Sally Perkins, PhD, Senior Insights Storyteller, Authenticx

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