Staff & Provider Engagement | Supporting the Workforce

Commit to Care Team Well-being

Jason A. Wolf, PhD, CPXP, President & CEO, The Beryl Institute

Rosie Bartel, MA, Patient Advisor
Chris Woleske, President & CEO, Bellin Health
Ashley Lyman, Director of Nursing & Clinical Practice, Bellin Health
Karen Looper, BSN, RN, CPN, CPHON | Patient Safety & Quality Improvement Specialist, St. Louis Children’s Hospital

In this session of the New Existence Webinar Series we will explore the third aim in the Care Teams segment of The New Existence: Commit to care team well-being. The care team segment calls on us to “redefine and advance the integrated nature of and critical role patients and their circle of support play on care teams.” The main actions under “commit to care team well-being” that will be explored include: Celebrate and recognize all those providing and receiving care, and restore joy in work. Monitor and manage trauma, burnout and resilience within all care team members. Acknowledge and reduce the stigma associated with mental and behavioral health for all care team members.