Engaging and Reengaging Patient & Family Advisors (PFAs)

Inspired and guided by the work of The Beryl Institute GPFAB, PXPF Patient & Family Partnership Workgroup and sparked by community PX chats, this resource center is designed to provide the support and resources needed as members address the engagement/reengagement of Patient and Family Advisors (PFAs) through various ways in their organizations.

The value of patient and family partnerships

The Beryl Institute community calls on health system leaders and organizations to commit to the industry standard of ensuring formal, intentional, and continuous partnerships with patients, families, and care partners.

The more than 60,000 members of The Beryl Institute community, representing the voices of patients, families, care partners, and patient experience practitioners, endorse a holistic approach to partnering with patients, families, and community members through formal Patient and Family Advisor (PFA) programs including councils, focus groups, ad hoc advisors, and co-designers. Beyond their contributions to improvement and co-design, patient and family advisors provide depth and perspective to patient feedback beyond survey results.

Read the Full Statement

Upcoming Events

Inspired by the work of The Beryl Institute GPFAB, PXPF Patient & Family Partnership Workgroup, and sparked by community PX chats, a series of monthly PX Chats focused on various stages of the PFA/PFAC engagement have been scheduled.

December 20, 2024

PX Chat on PFA/PFACS: Sustaining/Growing

Join The Beryl Institute community for an opportunity to connect with your peers on the support and resources needed to address efforts around new and getting started with PFAs and PFACs in their organizations. 


Transforming Healthcare Together: The Power of Patient and Family Partnerships

The movement towards patient and family partnerships in healthcare is a testament to the power of collaboration in driving meaningful change. This blog supports a call to action for healthcare institutions to build and nurture formal and intentional partnerships with patients, families, and care partners as a critical component of person-centered care and patient experience.

Read the Blog

Patient and Care Partner Community

Providing a supportive space for patients, families and care partners.

Fundamental to all we do at The Beryl Institute is understanding, supporting and acting on the lived experience of those receiving care. In partnership with our Global Patient and Family Advisory Board, we offer this community as a place for Patient and Family Advisors (PFAs), patients and care partners, defined as a patient’s circle of support, to make connections and find resources curated and created by their peers. 

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