Infrastructure & Governance

Multi-prong Intervention to Improve Patient Engagement at a Hospital

Alan Dow, MD, MSHA, Lead Medical Advisor for The Frontier Project; Macy Faculty Scholar at Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation; Assistant Dean of Clinical Curriculum at Virginia Commonwealth University
Aaron Anderson, Ph.D., On-Site Training and Consultant at The Frontier Project; Affiliate faculty at MCV/VCU, Department of Internal Medicine

Imagine Apple, Zappos and Virgin created a joint venture to design, build and operate hospitals and what would the patient experience be? This session discusses what a patient experience looks and feels like when designed from the perspective of companies that are world class in customer experience. Simple, cost-effective tools will be shared that, deployed in combination, can dramatically improve hospital productivity while improving physician-nurse retention and raising patient satisfaction scores. From home to hospital back home, each step of the patient experience is curated to ensure maximum patient engagement and adherence, while driving up referral rates and satisfaction scores. Audience members will leave with simple, actionable changes they can make at their facility to drive performance, without the need for an expensive consulting firm.