Patient Family & Community Engagement | Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Peer Navigation in Transgender Care

Jonathan Bullock | Principal Consultant, National Leader, Person & Family Centered Care, Kaiser Permanente
“Dexter” Janet Borrowman | Director, Care Experience, Maui Health System, Affiliated with Kaiser Permanente

This webinar will outline how Kaiser Permanente, in an effort to provide their transgender community expanded and holistic care, utilized a human centered CoDesign methodology to create a large scale, multi-region peer navigation program. While peer navigation is already being used at Kaiser Permanente in a number of care settings, this was an opportunity to take program design to the next level. This webinar will provide an overview of patient-identified need surfacing; ethnographic interviews; observation and shadowing; group brainstorming; rapid prototyping; field testing; and spread. It will showcase the impacts and enhanced cultural relevance for the transgender community.

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