Culture & Leadership | Quality & Clinical Excellence | Staff & Provider Engagement | Ambulatory/Outpatient | Supporting the Workforce

Remediation Strategies to Reduce Shame and Stratify Support for Providers in Patient Experience

This webinar will review evidence regarding remediation of communication skills in healthcare providers, shame in healthcare, and how the two intersect. The experience at our institution includes two pilot programs designed for providers and entire clinics with suboptimal patient experience scores. We will present stepwise strategies, lessons learned, and qualitative and quantitative data that are driving our next steps in augmenting resources and engagement of providers with bottom decile performance.

-Laura Kirk, MSPAS, PA-C, CPXP, DFAAPA, FACH | Assistant Director, Ambulatory Services | UT Southwestern Medical Center
-Haley Kosker, MBA, CPXP | Manager, Patient Experience Data Analytics | UT Southwestern Medical Center

Learning Objectives
-Explore stepwise strategies, lessons learned, and mixed methods data to prioritize resources for engagement of providers with bottom decile patient experience performance.
-Quantify the prevalence of shame within healthcare and reflect on how this impacts healthcare providers’ perspectives toward patient experience resources and training.
-Consider strategies to effectively build trust and mitigate shame when engaging in patient experience remediation and/or coaching for healthcare providers.

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*This webinar is an encore presentation from ELEVATE PX 2024.

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