Patient Family & Community Engagement | Staff & Provider Engagement | Patient and Care Partners

Co-Creating Change Using Storytelling

During this webinar members of the Global Patient and Family Advisory Board (GPFAB) will demonstrate how telling stories instead of creating guidelines for healthcare professionals will improve patient outcomes. The GPFAB has created a unique storytelling guide that will help healthcare professionals understand the principles of sharing patient/care partner lived experience through storytelling and how to help patients/care partners develop their personal stories.

Every patient/care partner has a story to tell that can help drive quality improvement for healthcare organizations. This session will help you develop a plan for using stories to co-create a Learning Health System (LHS) with patients/care partners. The story is the evidence that helps create knowledge which drives improve actions. These quality improvement actions will provide data which will lead to new patient outcomes or stories. This plan for using storytelling to drive quality improvement will change the way healthcare is provided in healthcare organizations.

-Rosie Bartel, MA in Educational Leadership | Patient Partner | Global Patient and Family Advisory Board, The Beryl Institute
-Tanya Lord, PhD, MPH | Patient Partner | Global Patient and Family Advisory Board, The Beryl Institute

Learning Objectives
-Discover the lived experience of presenters and the purpose of the storytelling guide.
-Co-create through collaboration with the healthcare organizations to address health & social care ecosystem gaps.
-Identify the importance of partnerships where diverse voices and disciplines participate equitably.

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