What are PXEs
What are Patient Experience Continuing Education Credits (PXEs)?
PXEs are credits earned for learning, teaching, and providing professional healthcare events and activities focused on the patient experience.
- PXEs are applicable for both learning programs developed internally by healthcare organizations and commercially available learning programs and events.
- PXEs may be utilized to fulfill requirements for obtaining and maintaining Certified Patient Experience Professional certification.
Claim PXEs
Claiming PXE Credits
Most PXE-approved events will be issued a unique credit-claiming survey link. Participants can claim PXE credits by completing the survey after each approved event. To claim credits via the survey, participants must sign into their account and answer a few short questions about the event. The credits will be automatically added to the participant’s transcript. A follow-up email will be sent upon survey completion.
Some PXE-approved events will issue PXE certificates directly through their own sites. If a participant participated in a PXE-approved event or conference that has issued a PXE certificate, it may be added to the participant’s account by following these steps.
Participants can earn PXE credits for activities they have already completed in the community.
Check out the PXE Qualifying Activities information here.
Viewing or Printing Your Certificate
After signing in to the PXI site, click "Professional Development", where you will be able to view and print your PXE Certificates or transcripts. This feature will enable you to access electronic copies of certificates and transcripts as well as manage your credits in preparation for certification and recertification.
Access PXE TranscriptsPXE Qualifying Activities
Patient Experience Continuing Education (PXE) Qualifying Activities
The primary means for acquiring PXEs include:
PXE Approved Learning Programs
The ability to offer PXEs is determined on a case-by-case basis based on a formal application and review process. Click here to submit a form.
Review the list of current PXE approved programs for opportunities to earn PXE credits.
Non-PXE Learning Programs
Non-PXE learning events are those learning programs already approved by other accrediting bodies to offer CEs in their associated profession, such as CNEs or CMEs. Applicants for certification/recertification can request inclusion of up to 10 NON-PXE credits for courses or programs deemed relevant or related to patient experience professionals.
Final review and acceptance of these credits will be determined during the application review process.
Teaching and Instruction
- 1 PXE for teaching a patient experience course, workshop and/or webinar
- 1 PXE for presenting at patient experience related conferences or at healthcare conferences on a patient experience related topic
- 1 PXE for writing a patient experience article, case study, book, chapter or white paper
- 1 PXE for completing a patient experience related academic course
To show proof of the above credits, applicants will need to upload one of the following to their transcripts:
- A syllabus, agenda, or screenshot of the web posting listing the participant as a teacher or presenter.
- A copy of the title page from an article, case study, or white paper
- A cover image of a book where the applicant is listed as an author or the dedication page listing the applicant as a contributor for a chapter in a book.
- A copy of the applicant’s transcript with the patient experience academic course completed with a grade of C or higher
- A letter from the organization identifying the applicant as a presenter, author, or instructor for the aforementioned options. The letter should include the title of the course or article, the date it was taught or published, and the organization’s representative’s signature.
Professional Service Activities
(UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 10 PXES: 3 per association, board, committee, or workgroup)
- 1 PXE for each year of service as an officer of a healthcare association, board or professional society
- 1 PXE for one year participation on a committee or workgroup of a healthcare association, board or professional society
To show proof of the above credits applicants must upload one of the following to their transcripts:
- A letter from the organization listing the name of the board, committee, or association, the dates of service, and the applicant's title.
For additional questions, contact the Institute at 1.866.488.2379 or send an email to credentialing@theberylinstitute.org
Frequently Asked Questions