Radiology Bundle: Collaborative Approach to Designing an Experience

Christi Cornelius, BS, CNMT, Improvement Leader, IU Health Methodist Hospital
Joy Graves-Rust, CPXP, Manager, Experience Design, IU Health Indianapolis Suburban Region
In 2018 IU Health began surveying patients in “real time” and focusing on likelihood to recommend instead of overall rating of care. This shifted historically heavy inpatient survey responses to the outpatient world. Surveys from patients having a radiology or mammography experience account for 25% of all survey responses across IU Health North, Saxony, and Tipton Hospitals. Declining survey performance, a willing leadership team, and a desire to improve the patient experience resulted in a unique partnership between the facilities and the IU Health North Patient Family Advisory Council. Join this webinar to learn how patient experience aligned with the process improvement leader to increase patient experience awareness in front-line team members, provided meaningful data to team leaders, and partnered with the IU Health North Patient Family Advisory Council as well as a new, online community of IU Health Insiders to create clarity and a baseline understanding of what matters most.
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