Culture & Leadership

Leading the Way by Communicating for Accountability and a Culture of Safety

Maysel Kemp White, PhD, FAACH, Vice President, External Education, American Academy on Communication in Healthcare

Leading the way by communicating for accountability in a culture of safety is designed for those looking to strengthen their skills in communicating for accountability. The three part series begins with an experiential exercise where expectations are not clearly identified and this typically leads to a mishap. We then explore what might have been a safer way to communicate expectation to prevent harm to a patient. In the second session, we focus on using the ARTS dialogue skills (Ask with skilled inquiry, Respond with empathy, then Talk about your perspective in behavioral terms, and Seek collaborative solutions). In the third session, we focus on using a safety algorithm to assess case studies for behaviors (mistake, at risk, or reckless) and determine the appropriate leadership action (consoling and education, coaching, or corrective action). We conclude with the skill of ending a delegation and working on a case each person is currently struggling with in their current environment.