Using Unsolicited Patient Complaints to Improve Patient Outcomes and Organizational Culture

To meet regulatory and accreditation requirements hospitals and health systems have policies and processes in place to respond to patient complaints and grievances. Watch this webinar to learn how Marshfield Clinic Health System implemented processes to maximize complaint capture, provide service recovery, and produce meaningful outcomes for their patients and the organization. The partnership with the Vanderbilt Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy is a key element in advancing from meeting regulatory requirements to improving patient outcomes through managing complaints and promoting a culture of quality, safety, and reliability.
Learning Objectives
⋅ Identify key actions to enhance a culture that values patient complaints as an opportunity for learning and service recovery.
⋅ List workflows that support reliable patient complaint follow-up by engaging with multiple disciplines and leadership teams.
⋅ Summarize the required essential elements that organizations need to improve clinical outcomes for patients and reduce organizational risk through complaint management.
Cynthia Baldwin, MS, RN, CPHRM | Senior Associate, Department of Pediatrics and School of Nursing, Vanderbilt-Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy
Nancy Stueland, M.S.Ed., CPXP | Director of Patient Experience, Marshfield Clinic Health System
Non-members can purchase webinars at a cost of $49 each.
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