The Role of the Volunteer in Improving Patient Experience

This paper provides an overview of the volunteer role and engages the voices of volunteer leaders on how their volunteers are making an impact on patient experience in their organizations as well as identifying common themes in the work taking place.
In addition to identifying the importance of volunteers in an organizations journey to patient experience excellence, contributors address topics on managing, recruiting and retaining volunteers, encouraging staff involvement and highlighting the value of volunteer programs.
Contributors include:
Kelley Boothby, Volunteer Administrator, Hartford Hospital
Doug Della Pietra, M.Div., CPXP, Director, Customer Services & Volunteers, Rochester General Hospital
Andrea Hobson, Senior Volunteer Manager, Banner Desert and Cardons Childrens Medical Center
Robin Hoeg RN, MS, Vice President of Inpatient and Senior Services, Winona Health Services
Vicki Holcombe, CAVS, Director of Volunteer Services, Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas
Andrew Peterson, Director of Pastoral Care and Volunteer Services, Vanderbilt University Hospital and Vanderbilt Health
Fernanda Vessio, Manager Volunteer Services, Childrens National Health System
The paper concludes with recommendations for action and key considerations on how organizations can continue to develop and engage their volunteers in meaningful ways to impact the patient experience.
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