Environment & Hospitality

The Hospital Noise Project: Lessons on Addressing Noise

Gary S. Madaras, Ph.D., Director, Making Hospitals Quiet
Nan Apps, Director, Service Excellence, Bassett Healthcare

The Hospital Noise Project recently studied noise reduction efforts in 241 U.S. hospitals. Leaders described their approach, reported their level of success and reviewed the results they achieved. Themes found within the success stories and lessons learned will be shared highlighting that the highest levels of success achieved by hospitals are those taking a holistic approach, using a well-formulated and executed plan to reduce noise. These methods are deployed as an ongoing initiative as opposed to a tactical checklist being addressed simply as resources permit.

In this webinar participants will:

  • Learn how hospitals are approaching noise reduction.
  • Gain valuable insight into hospital noise reduction through success stories and lessons learned.
  • Realize what differentiates those experiencing ‘poor’ success from those experiencing ‘good/great’ success with their noise reduction efforts.
  • Gain a perspective making their noise reduction efforts more successful.

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