Environment & Hospitality

The Critical Role of Spirituality in Patient Experience

Jason A. Wolf, PhD, President, The Beryl Institute
Rev. George Handzo, BCC, CSSBB Director, Health Services Research and Quality HealthCare Chaplaincy Network™

Many hospitals have partnered chaplaincy and patient experience or even put chaplains in charge of patient experience. And yet, spiritual care and chaplaincy care remain underutilized in helping to improve patient experience. Sharing insights from The Beryl Institute white paper published in collaboration with HealthCare Chaplaincy Network, The Critical Role of Spirituality in Patient Experience, this webinar will explore the emerging focus of spiritual care and chaplaincy in patient experience excellence and provide a core set of central themes and concepts for organizations to consider regarding spiritual care. Participants will identify key practices on integrating spiritual care into healthcare and understand the impact the professional healthcare chaplain role has on patient experience excellence.

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