Preparing Members of a Patient and Family Advisory Council

Allison Chrestensen, Project Coordinator at Duke University Health System
Tiffany Christensen, Performance Improvement Specialist, NC Quality Center
Tanya Lord PhD, MPH, Director of Patient and Family Engagement, Foundation for Healthy Communities
In this webinar, Allison Chrestensen leads the conversation about designing a comprehensive training program for Patient and Family Advisors (PFAs) and staff, a critical building block for a successful and sustainable PFAC. In order to provide focused, entity-sensitive, and valuable feedback, PFAs and staff need to understand their roles, as well as how to communicate effectively in a PFAC environment. This training is designed for those who have already built a solid structure for PFA engagement and now are ready to improve the qualities of partnership. Participants will leave this training with strategies for designing a training program that draws upon national best practices and also meets the needs of their specific organizations. *This webinar is part 2 of 4 of the Webinar Series on Patient and Family Engagement.
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