Patient Experience is ‘The Power of &’
On the Road – Patient Experience Conference 2017 – March 2017
by The Beryl Institute Team
Patient Experience Conference represents a year of significant work since the community last came together. These three days continue to be a reminder of the importance of a commitment to experience and to ensure it remains at the heart of all we do in healthcare. Our time there and the days that will follow reinforce our collective responsibility to ensure the strategies, practices and processes necessary to drive experience excellence continue with unwavering commitment.
With over 1,000 participants from around the globe, PX2017 encompassed an energetic group of caregivers and nurses, physicians and support staff, patients and families, resource providers and many others who are all on their patient experience journeys. This was an opportunity for people to share ideas, learn from other experiences, make new friends and build lasting connections.
Conference Opening
A tradition at PX2017, the welcome session kicked off premiering the conference opening video featuring insights from four patient and family members and their care providers. The video reflected on how patient experience is the power of “&” – a combination of partnerships & connections, empathy & compassion and individual & inspiring. Experiences between patients, families and providers creates the opportunity for partnership and connection in their care together, for empathy and compassion about the whole person than the diagnosis itself and for treating one another as individuals on the experience journey in hopes to inspire others in striving towards experience excellence.
This year also marked The Beryl Institute’s 4th biennial study on the state of patient experience globally. We gathered input from organizations across the continuum of care, perspectives from consumers of healthcare and insights from around the world to best understand both the ‘whats’ and ‘whys’ that are driving experience efforts. President of The Beryl Institute, Jason A. Wolf, PhD, CPXP, shared initial findings of the State of Patient Experience Study as this year’s study continues to provide a unique opportunity to uncover and track trends on how experience efforts are evolving. The Institute will release a full report of the findings in early summer, highlighting the key results and trends from this research.
Social Media
Reinforcing our value to accessibility, the Institute streamed both the opening session and Patient and Family Panel through Facebook Live. Currently reaching over 4,000 people with more than 1,000 views, this was an opportunity for the community to engage with PX2017 beyond the conference floors. If you missed the live broadcasts, you can view it on Facebook here.
Social media also gave the Institute and PX2017 participants a platform to share ideas, experiences and strategies learned, expanding the experience dialogue and engaging with people from all over the world. Conference participants shared and reflected on their learning experiences with others via social media by tagging photos, tweets and posts with the #PX2017 hashtag. Tweets were live streaming on monitors throughout the conference foyers, providing an interactive way for people to engage. By the numbers during conference week, the #PX2017 hashtag had 6,785,035 impressions, 3,287 tweets and an average of 5 tweets per hour.
The Power of Innovation
In continuously searching for new ways of thinking, doing and disseminating ideas, PX2017 included a variety of new activities and expanded learning.
PX Paintfest
In partnership with Foundation for Hospital Art and their mission to love and comfort through art, participants were invited to contribute to an art piece at painting stations during the conference. In this patient experience gives-back opportunity, the artwork will be donated to hospitals to brighten the walls of healthcare facilities around the world. Through the hands and hearts of volunteers, Foundation for Hospital Art has donated over 45,000 murals to over 4,400 hospitals in 195 countries.
PX Innovation Live
Taking place during conference networking breaks, PX Innovation Live! was an opportunity for participants to hear 10 minute presentations about innovative patient experience solutions and applications. MyRounding and Studer Group, a Huron Solution shared real-life examples of how top-performing organizations blended coaching and electronic rounding to achieve huge gains within the patient experience. HealthStream discussed patient experience datasets and practical strategies caregivers can use to improve their competence and confidence when communicating with their patients. Care Experience shared research on five trends that will affect the next decade of innovation in the patient experience.
Roundtable Discussions
New roundtable sessions provided the opportunity to engage in a discussion on specific topics sharing ideas, practices and solutions. Each session was hosted by a patient experience professional with expertise in the topic. Topics included: Communication, Compassion, Fatigue and Burnout, Complaint and Grievances, Cultural Competence and Diversity, Environment, Patient and Family Engagement, Pediatrics, Physician Engagement and Rounding.
The Power of Sharing
With three pre-conference workshops, four keynote presentations, over 55 breakout sessions and 22 e-poster presentations, PX2017 speakers comprised the voices of patients, families, caregivers, hospital executives, physicians, consultants, nurses and industry leaders sharing proven practices, innovations and strategies.
Pre-Conference Workshops
Patient Experience Conference began with three pre-conference workshops. Healthcare leaders from Tandem Healthcare Solutions, North Carolina Quality Center and Foundation for Healthy Communities discussed ways to partner with patients and families in a variety of quality improvement efforts, the Baird Group shared skills every patient experience professional must master and Language of Caring conducted a hands-on activity building strategy maps based on effective improvement planning.
Keynote Presentations
Our keynote speakers brought powerful insights about their personal journey as they continued to address best practices and the impact on patient experience. On Monday afternoon, Dr. Gary Kaplan, Chairman and CEO of Virginia Mason Health System, shared practices on the power of leadership in driving patient experience commitment to quality, safety and service. Erik Wahl, Graffiti Artist, Author and Entrepreneur kicked off day two by live painting onstage and encouraging us to color outside of the lines and to be “dreamers that do.” Raffle tickets were sold for a chance to win one of Wahl’s paintings or coffee table books. We were excited to donate all raffle proceeds to the charity organization, Foundation for Hospital Art.
New this year, the afternoon keynote was comprised of a Patient and Family Panel bringing together four passionate contributors to the patient and family movement driving excellence in patient experience. By sharing their personal stories, we were inspired by their insights to help us drive improvement across healthcare settings. You can learn more about their personal stories in a Patient and Family Panel Video that kicked off their session. Panelists featured: David Andrews, Independent Patient Advisor, Victoria W. Baskett, Founder and President of Victoria Baskett Patient Safety Foundation, Shari Berman, Advisor of Patient-Centered Care and Cancer Survivor and D’Anna Holmes, Program Manager, Patient Engagement at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
In closing day three of PX2017, Christy Beam, author of the New York Times Best Selling Book, Miracles from Heaven, shared her personal story through a mother’s heartache, a family’s devastation and a miraculous healing that occurred through the most unusual circumstances. She encouraged conference participants to continue to be miracle workers in the lives of patients and families they impact every day.
E-Poster Presentations
Twenty-two e-poster presentations gave authors and grant recipients the opportunity to share graphic displays with participants highlighting their proven practices, successful ideas and innovative programs. The e-posters were displayed electronically via flat screen monitors in the conference foyer areas. Research ranged from a variety of patient experience topics such as leader rounding, staff engagement, environment and grievance management.
The Power of Connection
First-Time Attendee Welcome
Reflecting the growth of the conference and the patient experience movement in general, over 350 people gathered for the first-time attendee welcome where they learned what to expect at the event and networked with other first-time participants. They also received advice on how to get the most from their conference experience from Nicole Cable-Bailey, Jason Phibbs and Michelle Serrato, members of the Institute’s PX Advisory Board. From seeing themselves as active participants in the event rather than “attendees” to organizing notes so they are best set up for success in sharing what they learned when returning to their organizations, everyone left the session with ideas on maximizing their experience and connections to new colleagues.
Ambassador Program
The Patient Experience Conference Ambassador Program connected first-time attendees with seasoned conference attendees to help them navigate their conference experience. Ambassadors shared tips ranging from bringing business cards, Kleenex and comfortable shoes to advice on selecting breakout sessions. Connections began prior to conference with an opportunity for almost 150 attendees and 30 ambassadors to network and share experiences at a luncheon. Throughout the three days, we saw connections being made and the start of many friendships.
PX Collaborative
The PX Collaborative comprises several organizations who share our commitment to patient experience improvement including: American Academy on Communication in Healthcare (AACH), Caregiver Action Network (CAN), The DAISY Foundation, HealthCare Chaplaincy Network (HCCN), March of Dimes, Patient Advocacy Community (PAC) of The Beryl Institute, Patient Experience Institute (PXI) and The Schwartz Center. This was an opportunity for likeminded organizations to share their resources on how to help participants excel in their patient experience journey.
Exhibitor Reception
Conference participants had the opportunity to network with colleagues and learn more about services and resources available to help expand their patient experience efforts. Participants were encouraged to use their PX Passport to explore the exhibitor areas during breaks, before and after each day’s program and during the exhibitor reception. New this year, those who turned in completed PX Passports received an ‘I am the Patient Experience’ t-shirt.
Dinner and Networking Reception
PX2017 day two ended with a fun evening of networking, dining, cultural arts and live music at the McNichols Civic Center. The networking reception is part of our commitment to providing participants the opportunity to convene and engage with one another. Participants had choices from different buffet stations on both levels of the event center, took fun pictures with colleagues in the onsite photo booth, painted a large ‘I am the Patient Experience’ mural and enjoyed music from a live band.
The Power of Learning
Patient Experience (PX) Body of Knowledge Overview
Participants came together for a detailed overview of the PX Body of Knowledge, its course offerings and available certificate programs. The conversation included current and past PX Body of Knowledge participants sharing their experience and pearls of wisdom on how to get the most from the program. Questions were answered and individuals walked away with a better understanding of this comprehensive learning framework that provides a clear path to delivering superior patient experience performance.
Certified Patient Experience Professional (CPXP) Overview
Patient Experience Institute held an informational session to introduce potential candidates to the CPXP examination process. Participants heard from current CPXPS and were able to ask them questions on their experience with the exam process as well as how the CPXP exam benefited them since they earned their designation.
Certified Patient Experience Professional (CPXP) Preparation Course
An exciting milestone occurred the day prior to the Patient Experience Conference 2017. The Institute’s PX Body of Knowledge faculty facilitated a half-day workshop reviewing the four domains outlined in the full classification system on which the CPXP examination is based. The session reviewed content from the PX Body of Knowledge courses related to the patient experience professional domains and job tasks and provided an opportunity for participants to test their understanding of key concepts. A highlight of the course was hearing from current CPXPs sharing their insights and preparation strategies in a panel discussion. It was an engaging afternoon with participants leaving confident in becoming future CPXPs.
The Power of Collaboration
More than 200 conference participants joined the community gatherings as an opportunity to network and engage in facilitated discussion with peers. Community Gatherings serve as a virtual connection among healthcare leaders committed to improving the patient experience in an identified area of interest. They offer a venue for sharing ideas, practices, challenges and opportunities.
Patient Advocacy
In its third annual gathering, the Patient Advocacy Community came together to network and share their challenges, successes and best practices while engaging in a discussion on the emerging role of the patient advocate and state of the community. Becky Ruckno, Director of Patient Liaison & Interpretive Services, Geisinger Healthcare, presented on The Refund, Not What? Brenda Radford Director, Guest Services, Duke University Hospital and Pam Segura Director of Patient Relations & Service Excellence, Cook Children’s Hospital, presented on How Will Social Media Impact the Future of Patient Advocacy? Awarded annually at the gathering, congratulations to Eve Devaro-Fowler, recipient of the 2017 Ruth Ravich Patient Advocacy Award. In addition, patient advocates enjoyed a networking dinner the evening before the gathering.
Patient and Family Advisors
This year for the first time, we brought together a conversation with Patient and Family Advisors (PFAs) and were excited to see an increasing number of organizations bringing PFAs with them to Patient Experience Conference. The session, led by our new Global Patient and Family Advisory Council Co-Chairs (and conference keynote panelists) David Andrews and Shari Berman, provided the opportunities for PFAs to connect and share both their own experiences as well as elevate needs they hope to see addressed by the growing community of PFAs connected to The Beryl Institute. From expanding resources to increasing the knowledge and skills based on PFAs, this gathering laid the groundwork for a more consistent and richer conversation on the role of PFAs in patient experience going forward.
Facilitated by community leaders, the third annual gathering of the Institute’s Pediatric Community included a dinner session discussing and brainstorming on how the Institute can best support the community moving forward. Ideas included the facilitation of connections with international organizations for evidence-based practice sharing, pediatric-specific benchmarking research and an enhanced pediatric listserv. Volunteers were recruited to further explore and implement these ideas as well as to serve as community leaders moving forward.
For the fourth annual gathering, the Physician Community convened on the morning prior to the start of the conference to share ideas, practices, challenges and opportunities focused on improving healthcare experiences for all. In this annual community meeting, Brandon Parkhurst, M.D., MBA, CPXP, Medical Director, Patient Experience and Regional Primary Care at the Marshfield Clinic shared Successful Physician Coaching in 3 Easy Steps. Harris Baden, M.D., Cardiac Critical Care from Seattle Children’s Hospital presented on Connecting Your Patient Experience Efforts to Purpose. It was an engaging discussion ending with a summary of key ideas and takeaways. The group left feeling energized and excited for ongoing networking and continued learning throughout the week.
Nurse Executive
For the first time this year, nurse executives convened for a community gathering to address the opportunities for nursing leaders in helping guide the patient experience conversation forward and to determine the needs and opportunities among this critical group of leaders in healthcare today. The gathering, convened by Karen Drenkard , SVP/Chief Clinical and Nursing Officer of GetWellNetwork and Victoria Niederhauser, Dean of the University of Tennessee School of Nursing, Institute Executive Board Member and member of the Editorial Board of Patient Experience Journal, was aimed at determining how to best engage nurse executive voices and support them in influencing and impacting experience efforts in their own organizations. As a new and expanding area of focus for the Institute, this conversation and the ability to contribute is just getting started. If interested in engaging your CNO or Nurse Executive, please let us know and stay tuned for follow-up information soon.
Patient Experience is the Human Experience
The strategic intent of the Institute continues to ensure the human experience is the heart of healthcare around the globe and is grounded in the very efforts we not only look to take on ourselves, but also encourage others to explore. With over 55,000 members and guests around the world now engaged in the patient experience conversation, we have included new voices, broadened our focus and expanded our reach to all segments of the globe. Patient Experience Conference continues to be a reflection of who we are as a patient experience community, what we do to impact the lives of those we care for and serve and why we do the work we do every day.
Patient Experience is… The Power of &
Patient Experience is… Partnerships & Connections
Patient Experience is… Empathy & Compassion
Patient Experience is… Individual & Inspiring
Patient Experience is… The Human Experience
During the conference opening session, Jason encouraged us to continue to be “the power of &” in our everyday roles as patients, family members and providers. To remind you of the importance of the work you do every day to impact the patient experience movement, he shared a quote from Dr. Seuss: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
Although the conference has come to a close, the patient experience movement goes beyond our time here in Denver. May we all take what we’ve learned throughout these three days and press on our patient experience journeys. Thank you for letting us be a part of it!
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