Introduction to The New Existence
Listen as Jason A. Wolf, PhD, CPXP, President & CEO, The Beryl Institute, introduces and moderates a conversation about The New Existence project. With what we are facing in the world today we believe there is no normal to which we can, or should, return. Rather, we are called upon to co-create a new existence for healthcare. For this reason, guided by a global steering team and informed by the voices of our community, The Beryl Institute launched The New Existence project, to define what this will look like; what it will call on us to do in practice, process and policy; and what it will ask of us in moving healthcare forward. This session will provide an overview of the key elements and actions of The New Existence with members of our global steering team and engage participants in a conversation on how we best move forward. Introduction to The New Existence Panelists:
- David McNally, Head of Experience of Care, NHS England & NHS Improvement
- Jennifer Purdy, Executive Director, Veterans Patient Experience, Veteran’s Health Administration
- Nicole Cable, Chief Experience Officer, Innovacare Health Rosie Bartel, Patient Advisor
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