Improving The Patient Experience by Adopting a Culture of Safety

Discover the diverse landscapes of safety cultures across hospitals of varying sizes and explore the challenges that often impede their maintenance. Uncover effective solutions tailored to address these challenges, equipping hospitals with strategies to sustain and grow a robust culture of safety. Additionally, gain valuable insights into the present and future role of technology in enhancing safety cultures within hospital settings. Participants will be presented with practical information on leveraging innovation to ensure the highest standards of safety and care resulting in an improved patient experience across the continuum.
Learning Objectives
– Identify what a culture of safety in a hospital consists of and how it can directly impact patient experience
– Illustrate some of the most prominent challenges hospitals face and how they affect the culture of safety within hospitals
– Discover efficient solutions and tools used to improve the safety culture in healthcare settings
– Discuss real-world examples how healthcare technology has impacted CommonSpirit Health and positively influenced their safety culture
Chris Dube, President, Sentact
Beth Miller, MAOM-L, BSN, RN, CPXP | System Director of Patient Safety-Performance Improvement, CommonSpirit Health
*PX Marketplace webinars are complimentary.
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