Culture & Leadership

Ignite the Patient Experience – 6 Keys to C-Suite Patient Driven Leadership

Brian Lee, CSP | Founder and CEO, Custom Learning Systems Group
Dennis Shelby, MSW | CEO, Wilson Medical Center

Participants will learn first-hand how to engage leaders and the front line to hard wire and sustain a patient experience culture at the 90%tile. This presentation includes a step by step how-to guide briefing for attendees to apply to their quality process improvement journey.

Key takeaways include:

  • That making servant leadership the foundation of managers DNA will drive the success you need.
  • The four ‘must have’ best practices that are game changers for gaining the buy-in and sustaining overall improvement.
  • That the role of the CEO and leadership is to create a working environment where people do their best work. How to avoid the pitfalls of ‘slug-ectomy’ – the absolute sheer necessity of getting rid of dysfunctionally disengaged employees that drag down your employees and patient experience scores.

This presentation answers how to successfully engage, support, influence and empower everyone to create the reputation your community requires.