Patient Family & Community Engagement | Quality & Clinical Excellence | Diversity Equity and Inclusion | Global Perspective

What Healthcare Providers Need to Know About Newcomer Health Equity

Newcomers are a vital yet often misunderstood segment of the population that healthcare providers serve. This webinar explores the landscape of newcomer health equity in Canada and the United States, offering valuable insights into the challenges faced by this vulnerable group. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the various categories of newcomers in each country, the systemic and practical barriers they encounter in accessing healthcare, and actionable strategies to promote equitable access and enhance their care experiences. Join us to build your knowledge and strengthen your capacity to support newcomer populations effectively.

-Sarah Clarke, MSPH | Executive Director, Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers
-Christine Kouri, BSCN, MHA | Director, National Newcomer Navigation Network

Learning Objectives
-Define who is considered a newcomer in the context of healthcare.
-Examine the impact of being a newcomer on the healthcare journey and patient experience.
-Identify strategies to promote equity and inclusivity for newcomers within healthcare systems.

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Non-members can purchase webinars at a cost of $49 each.