Policy & Measurement | Long-term Care

Using the New Dining Practice Standards and Toolkit to Excel in Dining

Carmen Bowman, Author, Consultant, Regulator turned Educator, Edu-Catering: Catering Education for Compliance and Culture Change

Stemming from the 2010 Creating Home II National Symposium on Culture Change and the Food and Dining Requirements co-sponsored by CMS and the Pioneer Network was the creation of the Clinical Dining Standards Task Force which released the new Dining Practice Standards in 2011. The Standards have been agreed upon by 12 clinical standard setting organizations and recognized by CMS. A second Task Force has developed a Toolkit of model policies and procedures, brochures for families and residents and other tools to help teams operationalize the Standards such as an Informed Choice form. Come learn the Standards, the evidence-based research that backs them, how they were built upon CMS nursing home requirements and about the new tools now available from the facilitator of both the Creating Home II symposium and subsequent task forces. Be inspired to use the new standards to keep improving yours.

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