The Power of Storytelling

Lesley Goodburn, Experience of Care Lead – Provider Improvement, NHS England and NHS Improvement
Karen Taylor, Lead for Arts and Patient & Public Engagement, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital Clinical Group
Cathy Walsh, Associate Director of Patient & Carer Experience, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP)
Storytelling does not just take place within a pool of lamplight in a nursery or around a campfire. Stories are part of our daily lives, in the anecdotes we tell our friends, the books we read and the films we watch. Stories are also recognized as an important way to connect with any audience, and storytelling is increasingly being used in workplaces, advertising, and fundraising. In health care, stories are proving to be a useful tool in engaging people with quality improvement work. Telling the story of one patient’s experience of care can memorably illustrate improvements or problems in a care pathway. Statistics and data have an important place in monitoring and understanding services and facilitating improvement, but, as this webinar will demonstrate, the right story can also have the power to motivate and change minds.
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