Patient Family & Community Engagement | Long-term Care

Showcasing patient and public involvement: Using consultation, collaboration and co-design to shape a respiratory programme

The NHS is committed to working with patient groups and the public to co-design health services to ensure that lived experience is used to optimise service design and delivery. This case study describes and considers methodologies used by commissioners to meaningfully engage and collaborate with patient groups to co-design respiratory services in a region of England. Stakeholders agreed a two-stage approach to the patient and public involvement (PPI) for this specific project; an initial consultation with patient groups on existing services, to inform a collaborative co-design process for the new pathway. The full pathway was not commissioned, but elements of it were implemented which resulted in patients appreciating that their views had been sought and acted on and strengthened relationships between commissioners and patient support groups. Commissioners should be pragmatic in engaging with patients and the public and consider the needs of a specific population in undertaking meaningful engagement and co-design processes.