Patient Family & Community Engagement | Staff & Provider Engagement | Long-term Care

My Life, My Story: Putting the Person Above the Problem

My Life, My Story (MLMS) is a VA-wide program that enhances patient-centered care by integrating Veteran life stories into the medical record, impacting the Veteran, the interviewer, and front-line staff. The webinar will explore a MLMS project focused on Veterans with spinal cord injuries with a brief overview of various forms of life-story work, such as narrative medicine, dignity therapy, and narrative therapy. Components that have been successfully implemented over the past five years and established a successful and sustainable program will be reviewed. We will share reflections from the experience and share survey and published results from previous MLMS contributors and recipients.

Susan Nathan, MD | Palliative Care Physician, VA Boston Healthcare System
Maggi A Budd, PhD, MPH, ABPP | Rehabilitation Neuropsychologist, VA Boston SCI/D
Isabella Channell, B.S. | Boston VA Healthcare System Psychology Practicum Student and Master’s Candidate in Mental Health Counseling and Behavioral Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine