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Falling on Deaf Ears: Special Considerations for Deaf Patients in Healthcare

Often clinicians view Deaf patients as the same as other Limited English Proficiency (LEP) patients. Not knowing that the Deaf community has its own culture and linguistic needs often leads to poorer health outcomes and compliance for the Deaf community. It also leads to lack of equity and access in their own healthcare or worse, misdiagnoses or worse outcomes. This webinar will touch on what clinicians should know to provide the best patient centered care for the community.

Learning Objectives:
– Explain the difference between hearing LEP patients and Deaf patients.
– Summarize language variation within the deaf community and its impact on what is effective communication for them.
– Recognize unconscious biases related to deafness and develop cultural sensitivity.

Danielle Davoli MSHC, CI/CT, NIC | ASL Program Manager, North Shore University Hospital

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