Communication to Reduce Healthcare Disparities

Wendy Leebov, Ed.D. | Founder & Partner, Language of Caring
Many population groups are at disproportionate risk of being uninsured, lacking access to care, and experiencing worse health outcomes, including people of color, low-income individuals and immigrant populations. While many factors impact healthcare disparities, one factor that each of us has the power to address is variations in the cultural and communication competence of health care providers, staff and patient/ family advisors. In this webinar, patient experience thought leader Wendy Leebov identifies evidence of differential treatment and implicit bias in medical encounters that affects the experience and outcomes with diverse patients. She sets forth a concrete improvement agenda for engaging providers and staff in awareness-raising and communication skill-building that reduces disparities and ensures culturally competent and equitable behavior in staff-patient relationships. Finally, she describes tactics for engaging staff in embracing the goal of reducing inequity and building the skills they can use to make a positive difference in their everyday interactions.
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