Culture & Leadership

A Patient and Family Experience Framework: Combining Lean & Person Centered Care

Cathy Bachner, Patient Partner, Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance
Anne Campbell RN, BScN, MN | VP Partnerships and Chief Nurse Executive, Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance

In 2009, the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) identified Patient and Family Centered Care (PFCC) a priority and concurrently adopted Lean methodology to sustain continuous improvement at all levels. Sustaining PFCC and Lean principles was a challenge with one not aligning with the other. The Patient and Family Experience Framework was developed to blend these principles and create a culture where the principles were lived daily. As a result, PCC and Lean principles have been sustained through the voice of the patient and the voice of the staff co-creating the way we deliver patient care and health care services. With leadership development and extensive patient and staff engagement at all levels, the culture transformed over six years with measurable outcomes in decreased wait times, revised care processes, reduced complaints, improved patient and staff experience, and program redesign with cost savings. This presentation will describe the journey, outcomes and lessons learned.

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