Staff & Provider Engagement | Supporting the Workforce

Finding Stability & Connection in the Midst of COVID 19 Anxiety

Allison Chrestensen, MPH, OTR/L

Rapidly shifting roles and priorities in response to the COVID19 crisis require us to be more nimble in unpredictable situations, while at the same time navigating the fear, anxiety, and stress that naturally accompany circumstances like these. Team cohesion also remains vitally important during this time. As team members are separated from one another by remote working conditions and other factors, team members must take more intentional action to maintain connection. This webinar introduces three contemplative approaches to cultivating well-being during a time of crisis: mindfulness, mindful self-compassion and medical humanities. We will briefly discuss research that illustrates the benefit of each of these practices for facilitating connection to self, to purpose and to community. Participants will gain hands-on experience with practices as well as resources to support incorporating them into busy schedules.