Patient/Care Partner Scholarship Application


At The Beryl Institute, we believe the voices of patients and care partners are the most important for health leaders and practitioners to hear. They inform and guide practice and provide insights into how healthcare organizations can best operate to address quality, safety and service. To support engaging more patients and family members in the overall patient experience conversation, we are excited to offer a limited number scholarships to ELEVATE PX for patients and family members actively engaged in improving healthcare.


ELEVATE PX, the global patient experience event, will be held April 3-5, 2024 at Hyatt Regency Denver for in-person participants as well as offered as a streaming/recorded experience for virtual participants. It is the largest independent, non-provider or vendor related event bringing together the collective voices of healthcare professionals across the globe to convene, engage and expand the dialogue on improving patient experience. At this interactive conference, healthcare teams will identify strategies and discover solutions to help start their journey, or to advance their program to the next level.

About the Patient/Care Partner Scholarship Program

This program assists engaged patients and family members in becoming further involved in the conversation on patient experience improvement across the continuum of care. Successful applicants demonstrate a history of patient engagement, community outreach and advocacy. They also demonstrate a strong desire to work constructively with healthcare staff and leaders to make positive impacts on patient experience efforts. Preference is given to active members of patient/resident/family advisory councils and individuals using emerging technologies and social media such as blogs, podcasts, Twitter, Facebook.

Scholarships are awarded to cover conference registration fees only (in-person or virtual).

Expectations and Responsibilities of Scholarship Recipients

Scholarship recipients are required to complete a post-conference evaluation and are encouraged to share their insights and experience in a guest blog with The Beryl Institute.

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