Innovate Processes of Care to Transform Behavior
Jason A. Wolf, PhD, CPXP, President & CEO, The Beryl Institute
Tanya Lord, PhD, MPH | Director of Patient and Family Engagement, Foundation for Healthy Communities
In this session of the New Existence Webinar Series we will explore the second aim in the Models of Care & Operations segment of The New Existence: Innovate Processes of Care to Transform Behavior. The Models of Care & Operations segment calls on us to “co-design systems, processes and behaviors to deliver the best human experience.” The main actions under “Innovate Processes of Care to Transform Behavior” that will be explored include: Co-design workflows that promote partnership among patients, families, healthcare professionals and communities. Solicit and act on feedback at each touchpoint regarding outcomes that matter. Develop and apply standardized measures and tools for continuous improvement.
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