Patient Family & Community Engagement

How Family Caregiver Experience Shapes Patient Experience

John Schall, Chief Executive Officer, Caregiver Action Network

Family caregivers are more than advocates for patients, they are the ones who are implementing the care plan, ensuring adherence and compliance and, yes, completing surveys. Whether in the doctor’s office or at home, in the hospital or at the pharmacy, family caregivers are the only people who are consistently present with their loved ones across all care settings. Family caregivers are there as full partners with their loved ones through it all. The patient experience and the caregiver experience are inextricably linked. Despite their crucial role in the care of their loved ones, family caregivers too often feel dismissed or ignored by health care professionals. Thankfully this is beginning to change. Many hospitals and systems have implemented programs and practices to support family caregivers. In this webinar we will explore several best practices that improve Caregiver Experience and subsequently Patient Experience. #WherePXmeetsCX