Infrastructure & Governance

A Roadmap to Driving Exceptional Experiences in Care

Kathy Dutton, Senior Administrator, Kevin Hill, Manager
Kim Blanton, Patient Advisor, Office of Patient and Family Experience, Vidant Medical Center

This session will describe how Vidant Medical Center’s Office of Patient and Family Experience (OPFE) developed and implemented a comprehensive roadmap to guide their journey to exceptional experiences. Key strategic actions include the communication of patient experience data in a manner that is clearly understood across all levels of the organization. The roadmap also guides measuring and supporting results, to include coaching for success, course correction, and celebration and recognition. The focused use of the OPFE’s strategic plan is leading to desired results and outcomes including inpatient scores are currently at the 91st percentile. Utilizing the plan, the Emergency Department rose from the 37th percentile in the second quarter to the 90th percentile in the 4th quarter.